Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 5, 2018


HP : 5920 (+898)
ATK : 2020 (+313)
DEF : 2340 (+361)
<Ougi> Eclaire De Vag
12800% Light Physical Attack. Increase Ougi Gauge of all allies by 10. For 20 seconds, receive all attacks from enemy, nullifies total of 8000 damage and absorb all abnormal state for allies. Break Force 2900.
<Skill> Lumiere Flor (CT: 8)
1400% Light Physical Attack. For 5 seconds, reduce target's attack by 20%. Break Force 1400.
- Peace Maker
Depending on the Ougi of target, recovers 30% of damage taken from the target's Ougi.
- Guardian
When aliies dying, reduce damage taken by 10% (no duplication).
- Defense Ignore Lv10
Ignore 50% opponent's defense and give damage
Start : Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 3 Recovery ★ 2
Limit break : Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 5 Recovery ★ 4

[ Awaken Shiria ]
HP : 7104 (+999)
ATK : 2424 (+373)
DEF : 2808 (+431)
<True Ougi> Silance Parfy
22800% Light Physical Attack. Increase Ougi Gauge of all allies by 15. For 20 seconds, receive all attacks and status ailments from enemy, nullifies total of 15000 damage for all allies - in addition clean all status ailments on her self. Break Force 4500.
<Ougi> Eclaire De Vag
12800% Light Physical Attack. Increase Ougi Gauge of all allies by 10. For 20 seconds, receive all attacks and status ailemnts from enemy, nullifies a total of 8000 damage for all allies. Break Force 2900.
<Skill> Lumiere Flor (CT: 8s)
1400% Light Physical Attack. For 5 seconds, reduce enemy's attack by 20%. Break Force 1400.
- Reality
Own HP recovery amount 30% UP (excluding absorption attacks),
Ignoring the enemy's defense power by 50% and giving damage
- Peace Maker
Depending on the Ougi of the target, recovers 30% of damage taken from the target's Ougi.
- Guardian
When allies dying, reduce damage taken by 10% (no duplication).
Start : Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 3 Recovery ★ 2

Limit break : Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 5 Recovery ★ 4

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