Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 5, 2018


<Stats (+Value)>
HP : 4752 (+722)
ATK : 2210 (+341)
DEF : 1956 (+303)
<Burst> Swims Guardian
10480% Earth attribute physical damage Make your opponent's poison, paralysis and darkness tolerance down by 30% for 9 seconds. Break force 2800
<Skill> Rose Whisper
1350% Earth  Attribute Physical Damage . Put a opponent in poison with probability. Break force 1200
* Incarnation
Resuscitate all ally members at 30% HP only once when they collapse. she fully recovered her self. Double damage given for 10 seconds.
* Curse resistance Lv 8
Increase curse time shortening rate by 80%. Curse avoidance rate increased by 80%
* Evil Killer Lv 6
Damage to Devil 60% UP
Start : Recovery ★ 5 Recovery ★ 3 Magic attack ★ 2
Limit break : Recovery ★ 5 Recovery ★ 5 Magic Attack ★ 4

[Awaken Nerim]
HP: 5702 (+865)
ATK: 2652 (+407)
DEF: 2347 (+362)
<True Ougi> Raguel Shield
22900% Earth Physical Damage. For 15s, all damage inflicted on enemies with ailments increases by 70%. Party Earth unit damage up 30%. Break 4200.
<Ougi> Swims Guardian
13800% Earth Physical Damage. For 9s, enemy's poison, paralysis and blind resistance down 30%. Break 2800.
<Skill> Rose Whisper (CT: 5s)
1550% Earth Physical Damage. Has chance inflict poison to enemy. Break 1200
* Incarnation
Resuscitate all ally members at 50% HP only once when they collapse. Nerim fully recovered her self, refill full True Ougi bar double damage given for 10 seconds.
* Curse resistance Lv 9
Increase curse time shortening rate by 90%. Curse avoidance rate increased by 90%
* Devil Killer Lv 9
Damage to Devil race 90% UP

Limited Break : 5* Heal 5* Heal 4* Magical Attack

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