Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 5, 2018


<Status (+ value)>
HP : 5660 ( +859 )
ATK : 2040 ( +361 )
DEF : 1706 ( + 265 )
<Skill> Berserk Varistor
CT: 9 seconds
1400% of fire attribute physical damage. self mystery (burst bar) gauge 3 up. Break force 2200
9000% fire physical damage,power up self atk to 200% for 5s. Break force 3000
Break force +10%
Start : Physical Attack ★ 5 Physical Attack ★ 3 Defense ★ 2
Limit break : Physical Attack ★ 5 Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 3

[ Awaken KaiserX-Ganan ]
HP : 6226 (+943)
ATK : 2244 (+346)
DEF : 1877 (+291)
<Skill> Maximum Carsh (CT: 9s)
2200% Fire physical damage. Self ougi gauge up by 3. Break force 2200
<Ougi>Berserk Varistor
9000% Fire physical damage,power up self attack to 200% for 5s. Break force 3000
<True Ougi> Great Vark Naruto
28000% Fire Physical Damage. For 20s, break force of allies up 30%. Break force 4600.
- Damage to Monster Hunter Boss up 50%
- Break Froce of all ally up 10%
- Own Break force +10%
Start : Physical Attack ★ 5 Physical Attack ★ 3 Defense ★ 2

Limit break : Physical Attack ★ 5 Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 4

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