Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 5, 2018


HP : 5663 (+859)
ATK : 2060 (+319)
DEF : 1990 (+308)
12 000% Fire Physical Attack. Each time it is activated, increases Crit Rate of all allies for Skill and Ougi by 10% (max 50%). Break Force 2400.
<Skill> (CT: 8)
1900% Fire Physical Attack. For 8 seconds, increases Evasion Rate for who just used Skill and Ougi by 20%. Break Force 1300.
- Continuous Attack
Able to use Skill twice with CT Recovery.
- Natural HP Recovery Lv6
HP recovers naturally by 12/s
- Earth Element Resistance Lv2
Resistance of earth attribute dmg 10%
Start : Sp ★ 5 Physical Attack ★ 3 Recovery ★ 2

Limit break : Sp ★ 5 Physical Attack ★ 5 Recovery ★ 4


Rasou  rasou.png
<Stats (+value)>
HP : 6250 (+647)
ATK : 3850 (+587)
DEF : 1050 (+167)
<Ougi> True Blade [Demon Slash Blaze]
11 500% Fire & Dark Physical Attack. For 5 seconds, reduce elemental damage taken for all allies by 100%. Break Force 5000.
<Skill> Heavenly Decapitation Flash (CT: 9)
1800% Fire Physical Attack. Break Force 1100. For 5 seconds, increases own Equipment CT Speed by 30%.
- Mind's Eye
Each time Ougi or Skill is activated, Mind's Eye will level up. When Mind's Eye is at max level, it will reset when Ougi is activated once more. Ougi Damage & Break Force Up.
- Spirit Killer Lv5
- Devil Killer Lv5
Start : Defense ★ 5 Physical Attack ★ 3 Sp ★ 2
Limit Break : Defense ★ 5 Physical Attack ★ 5 Sp ★ 4

[ Awaken Rasou ]
HP : 7500 (+999)
ATK : 4620 (+841)
DEF : 1260 (+236)
<True Arts>
15500 Fire Physical Damage. In true arts activating time, Rasou immune to all enemy damage (5seconds). Break 6000.
12800% Physical Damage. For 5s, reduces 100% element damage for all allies. Break 5000.
<Skill> (CT: 9s)
2100% Fire Physical Damage. Own skill CT speed up by 30% for 5s. Break 1100
Dragon Killer lv 5
- Damage to dragon race up by 50%
Devil Killer lv 10
- Damage to devil race up by 100%
God's Eye
- Each time Skill is activated, God's Eye and Critical rate will level up by 1 and 3 for activated Arts. When Mind's Eye is at max level, it will reset when True Arts is activated once more. Arts Damage & Break Up.

Max Limit Break : 5★Defence 5★ Physical Attack 4★ Support


HP : 5920 (+898)
ATK : 2020 (+313)
DEF : 2340 (+361)
<Ougi> Eclaire De Vag
12800% Light Physical Attack. Increase Ougi Gauge of all allies by 10. For 20 seconds, receive all attacks from enemy, nullifies total of 8000 damage and absorb all abnormal state for allies. Break Force 2900.
<Skill> Lumiere Flor (CT: 8)
1400% Light Physical Attack. For 5 seconds, reduce target's attack by 20%. Break Force 1400.
- Peace Maker
Depending on the Ougi of target, recovers 30% of damage taken from the target's Ougi.
- Guardian
When aliies dying, reduce damage taken by 10% (no duplication).
- Defense Ignore Lv10
Ignore 50% opponent's defense and give damage
Start : Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 3 Recovery ★ 2
Limit break : Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 5 Recovery ★ 4

[ Awaken Shiria ]
HP : 7104 (+999)
ATK : 2424 (+373)
DEF : 2808 (+431)
<True Ougi> Silance Parfy
22800% Light Physical Attack. Increase Ougi Gauge of all allies by 15. For 20 seconds, receive all attacks and status ailments from enemy, nullifies total of 15000 damage for all allies - in addition clean all status ailments on her self. Break Force 4500.
<Ougi> Eclaire De Vag
12800% Light Physical Attack. Increase Ougi Gauge of all allies by 10. For 20 seconds, receive all attacks and status ailemnts from enemy, nullifies a total of 8000 damage for all allies. Break Force 2900.
<Skill> Lumiere Flor (CT: 8s)
1400% Light Physical Attack. For 5 seconds, reduce enemy's attack by 20%. Break Force 1400.
- Reality
Own HP recovery amount 30% UP (excluding absorption attacks),
Ignoring the enemy's defense power by 50% and giving damage
- Peace Maker
Depending on the Ougi of the target, recovers 30% of damage taken from the target's Ougi.
- Guardian
When allies dying, reduce damage taken by 10% (no duplication).
Start : Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 3 Recovery ★ 2

Limit break : Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 5 Recovery ★ 4


<Stats (+Value)>
HP : 5020 (+763)
ATK : 2390 (+368)
DEF : 2230 (+344)
<Arts> Endless
14500% non-attribute damage. Critical rate of own arts up by 100% . Every time it activates maximum HP up  by 10%. Break power 3500
<Skill> Indigration (CT: 10s)
1800% of fire, water, tree attribute physical damage. Recovers own poison, disease, curse, burning. Break force 1800
* Flash
Your skill CT recovery speed is 1% UP per second
* Power of God
Damage to other race excpet Gods 50% UP
* Magical evasion rate up lv4
Avoid magical attacks with a 20% chance
Start : Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 3 Recovery ★ 2

Limit Break :  Physical Attack ★ 5 Defense ★ 5 Recovery ★ 5


<Stats +(Value)>
HP : 5350 (+812)
ATK : 2340 (+341)
DEF : 1895 (+294)
<Burst> Niente Ignarro
12 600% Dark Magic Attack. Activates Skills of all allies. For 4 seconds, increase BE acquisition by 50%. Chance to inflict Blindness to target. Break Force 2000.
<Skill> Nero phantasma
1700% Dark Magic Attack. Heals 2% of own HP. Break Force 1000.
- God Killer Lv5
Damage to God up 50%
- Automatic Barrier:
When close to death, mitigates a total of 2000 damage for 10s. Can be used again after 60s.
- Magic Healing Team
Heals all allies by 10HP/s
Start : Magic Attack ★ 5 Magic Attack ★ 3 Support ★ 2
Limit break : Magic attack ★ 5 Magic attack ★ 5 Support ★ 4

[Awaken Meria]

<True Ougi> Morte Ignarro
28400% Dark Magical Damage. Absorb 20 BE. For 10s, Magical Damage of all ally up 50%. Break 3500
<Ougi> Niente Ignarro
13800% Dark Magic Attack. Activates Skills of all allies. For 4 seconds, increase BE acquisition by 50%. Chance to inflict Blindness to target. Break Force 2000.
<Skill> Nero phantasma (CT: 9s)
2200% Dark Magic Attack. Heals 2% of own HP. Break Force 1000.
* God Killer Lv9:
Damage to God race up 90%
* Automatic Barrier:
When close to death, mitigates a total of 2000 damage for 10s. Can be used again after 60s.
* Magic Healing:
Heals all allies by 10HP/s

Limit break : Magic attack ★ 5 Magic attack ★ 5 Support ★ 4


<Stats (+Value)>
HP : 4752 (+722)
ATK : 2210 (+341)
DEF : 1956 (+303)
<Burst> Swims Guardian
10480% Earth attribute physical damage Make your opponent's poison, paralysis and darkness tolerance down by 30% for 9 seconds. Break force 2800
<Skill> Rose Whisper
1350% Earth  Attribute Physical Damage . Put a opponent in poison with probability. Break force 1200
* Incarnation
Resuscitate all ally members at 30% HP only once when they collapse. she fully recovered her self. Double damage given for 10 seconds.
* Curse resistance Lv 8
Increase curse time shortening rate by 80%. Curse avoidance rate increased by 80%
* Evil Killer Lv 6
Damage to Devil 60% UP
Start : Recovery ★ 5 Recovery ★ 3 Magic attack ★ 2
Limit break : Recovery ★ 5 Recovery ★ 5 Magic Attack ★ 4

[Awaken Nerim]
HP: 5702 (+865)
ATK: 2652 (+407)
DEF: 2347 (+362)
<True Ougi> Raguel Shield
22900% Earth Physical Damage. For 15s, all damage inflicted on enemies with ailments increases by 70%. Party Earth unit damage up 30%. Break 4200.
<Ougi> Swims Guardian
13800% Earth Physical Damage. For 9s, enemy's poison, paralysis and blind resistance down 30%. Break 2800.
<Skill> Rose Whisper (CT: 5s)
1550% Earth Physical Damage. Has chance inflict poison to enemy. Break 1200
* Incarnation
Resuscitate all ally members at 50% HP only once when they collapse. Nerim fully recovered her self, refill full True Ougi bar double damage given for 10 seconds.
* Curse resistance Lv 9
Increase curse time shortening rate by 90%. Curse avoidance rate increased by 90%
* Devil Killer Lv 9
Damage to Devil race 90% UP

Limited Break : 5* Heal 5* Heal 4* Magical Attack


<Stats (+Value)>
HP : 6130 (+929)
ATK : 2490 (+383)
DEF : 2200 (+340)
<Burst> Absolute Abyss
16000% dark attribute physical damage. Consume 20% of own HP, high chance to stun.Break force 1900
<Skill> Dark Sword Ivir Spite
2500% dark attribute physical damage. Self mystery gauge 7 up. Break force 1200
* Dark world
10% increase in resistance to dark attribute. The lower the HP, the greater the attack power and defense power. (Up to twice)
* HP absorption at dying Lv 2
HP recovers when attacking on dying
* State abnormality tolerance Lv 5
Own status abnormality (other than stunning) Time shortening and increasethe avoidance rate up 50%
Start : Physical Attack ★ 5 Magic Attack ★ 3 Sp ★ 2
Limit Break :  Physical Attack ★ 5 Magic Attack ★ 5 Sp ★ 5

[ Awaken Ragshelm]
HP : 6743 (+999)
ATK : 2739 (+420)
DEF : 2420 (+373)
<True Ougi> True Nightmare
30050% Dark Physical Damage. Consume own 30% HP - For 25s, invalidation 3000 damage very high chance to stun enemy. Break 4000.
<Ougi> Absolute Abyss
18500% Dark Physical Damage. Consume own 20% HP, high chance to stun enemy. Break 1900
<Skill> Dark Sword Ivir Spite (CT: 9s)
3000% Dark Physical Damage. Own ougi up by 9. Break 1200
* Dark world
10% increase in resistance to dark attribute. The lower the HP, the greater the attack power and defense power. (Up to twice)
* HP absorption at dying Lv 4
HP recovers when attacking on dying (4%)
* State abnormality tolerance Lv 6

Own status abnormality (other than stunning) Time shortening and increasethe avoidance rate up 60%

Rem / Lem

Rem / Lem
<Stats (+Value)>
HP : 5120 (+778)
ATK : 1990 (+308)
DEF : 2017 (+312)
<Skill> Spirit Cell Penty
1750% of Dark attribute magical damage . Increase 50% BE obtained by own skill. Break power 800
<Burst> Ultimore Spio
10200% dark attribute magical damage. 15 seconds, enemy weak point attribute damage up 30% up. Further reduces the enemy's attack power and defense power by 20%. Break power 1300
*Heal 70 HP when your ally use equipment
*Element damage to enemies and element dmg resistence will increase 5~25% base on daily element in a week ( Example : monday daily element is dark - so dark element dmg and dark resistence will increase unique 5~25%, on weekend it will random )
*Increase magical damage of all ally by 10%. (No duplication)
Start : Magical Attack ★ 5 Sp ★ 3 Defense ★ 2
Limit Break : Magic attack ★ 5 Sp ★ 5 Defense ★ 4

[ Awaken Lem/Rem ]
<True Ougi> Elixir Velita
25000% Dark Magical Damage. If enemy is light element, increase damage dealt by 100%. Break 3000
<Ougi> Spirit Cell Penty
11500% Dark Magical Damage. For 15 seconds, increases elemental weakness damage dealt to enemies by 30%, decreases attack and defence by 35%. Break 1300
<Skill> Spirit Cell Penty (CT: 10s)
1950% Dark Magical Damage. increases BE drop rate during Skill by 50%. Break 800
* Alchemy
* Astrology
* Magical Power Amplification
Start : Magical Attack ★ 5 Support ★ 3 Defense ★ 2

Limit Break : Magic attack ★ 5 Support ★ 5 Defense ★ 4